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Τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της Σασανιδικής σφραγιδογλυφίας, όπως αυτά αποτυπώνονται κατά τη θεματική παρουσίαση σαράντα μίας (41) Σασανιδικών σφραγίδων, που ανήκουν σε ελληνική ιδιωτική συλλογή.

Σοφία Σιμιτζή


The main subject of this study is the presentation of forty-one (41) unpublished seals of the Sasanian period, originating in Iran, that belong to an old Greek private collection.

  In the first part of the study, a consolidated presentation was conducted for the special characteristics of Sasanian seals; the special shape of Sasanian seals, the types of semi-precious stones used, the way the seals were used by their owners, the stylistic performance of the depicted motif, the Pahlavi script and the highly recognizable pictorial subjects, which embody the political, social and religious perceptions of the Sasanids.

   The forty-one (41) seals were organized and presented with criteria of the pictorial subject; human figures, animals sorted by species, birds, monograms and symbols related to Zoroastrianism. Due to the large quantity of seals depicting animals, additional information is given for each species of animal separately. Τhe study ends with some general conclusions, concerning numerical data and remarks on the possible owners of the seals.

  The inscriptions on the three inscribed seals were translated by Professor Domenico Agostini (Dept. Of History, Tel Aviv University) and photos were taken by Stelios Skourlis (Hellenic Organization of Cultural Resources Development) to whom I am sincerely thankful.  

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26247/aura7.1


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ISSN: 2623-3428 (digital), 2623-3436 (print)

© 2018-2020 National and Kapodistrian University of Athen, Department of History and Archaeology.