‘Κούπια με λίρες’. Unexpected circumstances revealed in investigating a Bronze Age tumulus at Klopas, Marathon.
This paper investigates the prehistoric tumulus discovered in 2001 at Klopas, Marathon, by the late M. Oikonomakou. Despite the difficulties caused by the prior discovery and then exploration of the monument, part of which was destroyed, by modern seekers after treasure, the available evidence yet allows us to reconstruct something of its history of development, demonstrating its use from Early Helladic II to Middle Helladic I. A brief overview of the contemporaneous tumuli in northeastern Attica, namely at the nearby sites of Aphidna and Vranas (tumulus I), reveals interesting affinities with mounds in other areas of mainland Greece and further away. This kinship is a result of the strategic location of the region in question, which enabled the local communities to participate in a wider exchange network that was maintained even after the abrupt end of the Early Helladic II culture. The mound is additionally examined within its regional context, especially in conjunction with the nearby settlement of Plasi. It is proposed that the close spatial relationship observed between an Early Helladic II large building and the later Middle Helladic megaron there might indicate strategies for the deliberate assimilation of the past, which can be also detected in the development of the tumulus.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26247/aura5.1
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