From GIS to Game engines: case studies in archaeology from North Greece
Over the past two decades, there has been a surge of interest in applying spatial concepts and techniques in archaeology, underscoring the versatility of GIS technology as a crucial asset for humanities. The focus of this paper is to present an overview of GIS applications in the archaeology of North Greece, specifically highlighting the endeavors of the AeGIS Laboratory of Archaeological GIS ( The exploration spans from intra-site analysis and data management, exemplified by the Aristotle University excavation in Karabournaki, to macro-scale investigations, such as studying the interplay between environment and settlements in Aegean Thrace. The paper also delves into the integration of GIS data with game engines, such as Unity 3D, for reconstructing and exploring movement and visibility in archaeological landscapes. Emphasizing the theoretical complexity of these spatial tools, the authors argue that, as familiarity with GIS and game engines grows in the archaeological community, these systems, particularly open-source GIS, offer an invaluable and adaptable toolbox. As archaeologists themselves, they contend that platforms like GIS and Unity 3D possess the potential to evolve into heuristic devices, aiding in challenging assumptions and framing insightful archaeological inquiries. The collaborative and open nature of these tools facilitates customization to suit the diverse requirements and preferences of archaeologists.
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