Προσωποποιήσεις ποταμών στα ψηφιδωτά των ρωμαϊκών αυτοκρατορικών χρόνων
The iconography of rivers in Roman Art, and particularly on mosaics, comes on the forefront, especially after the recent discovery of a mosaic with the personification of a young river in Plotinipolis of Thrace (Didymoteicho). This article gathers the representations of personified rivers on mosaics dated from the Roman imperial period, most of which are located across the Mediterranean given the universal character of this Art. In the first place, the article deals with the presentation of the typical iconography of the represented rivers and the methods of identification. Moreover, it is attempted to refine the existing iconography to a more detailed typology. Furthermore, the article aims to answer to the question why these rivers were chosen for the decoration of certain buildings and rooms, as well as in which degree the geography affects their selection. Finally, an effort is made to retrace regional preferences, especially at the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire and the low popularity of the personified rivers in Roman Greece.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26247/aura3.7
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ISSN: 2623-3428 (digital), 2623-3436 (print)
© 2018-2020 National and Kapodistrian University of Athen, Department of History and Archaeology.