Vol. 3 (2020). O. Kakavoyianni and N. Petrochilos, From the ancient cemeteries of Anavyssos
In Ernst Curtius’ and Johann Kaupert’s Atlas von Athen it is indicated that around the end of 19th century, in the coastal plain stretching westwards from the northern mountainous endings of Mount Olympus up to Lavreotike towards the east, many burial tumuli were visible. The curator of antiquities Olga Kakavoyianni carried out intensive rescue research between the years 1983 and 1990 in this extended area. Within this context parts of tumuli (burial mounds) that probably belonged to prominent local families and were employed from the late 8th to the 5th c. B.C. were excavated.
The purpose of this study is to present the excavation results from the tumuli (Tumulus A and Tumulus B), both located within the administrational borders of the Anaphlystos’ deme. Furthermore, the limited in terms of quantity material from Euthymios Mastrokostas’ excavation at Croesus’ tomb is also presented, along with the results from a short excavation campaign in the cemetery of the Aigilia’s deme, which is clearly distinguished from the burial mound of Croesus. Moreover, the grave offerings and the burial practices are discussed, along with issues concerning the topography of the coastal demes from Lamptrai to Sounion.
ISBN: 978-960-466-222-7 (print), 978-960-466-221-0 (digital)
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