Α rock engraving of Pan at Faskomelia Hill in Vouliagmeni, Attica The presence of the god Pan in the battle of Marathon
The ancient deme of Aixonides Halai flourished on the southwestern slopes of Mount Hymettus, Attica. The geomorphological environment and the ancient architectural remains outline the deme’s rural character and provide evidence for a prosperous economy based on agriculture and fishery. Α significant number of various inscriptions has been found at the semi-mountainous areas of the deme. They have been attributed mainly to shepherds and their existence directly points to the rural use of the place. Recently, on a rocky plateau of Faskomelia hill, the rock engravings of two figures were detected. The figures are standing in line and have been identified with the god Pan and an hoplite. Pan is the one who precedes, and the hoplite the one that follows. After a short presentation of the Arcadian god Pan, the paper deals with the spread and establishment of his cult in Attica, his connection with the battle of Marathon and his role in the final victorious outcome. This never before seen engraving dates back to the first half of the 5th c. BC. The depiction of Pan together with a warrior-hoplite directly creates the allusion that the artist wanted to represent a scene from the battle of Marathon, capturing the moment that the Athenian army, in phalanx formation, is thrown to the barbarians at the double «δρόμῳ».
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